RocketSTEM Media Foundation is a private, not-for-profit organization established for the purpose of fostering science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education throughout countries of planet Earth via the promotion of the wonders of space exploration. Our first project is the publication of a RocketSTEM magazine with content geared toward teachers, students, and parents as well. The publication blends space history – past, present, and future – with interviews, astronomy lessons, aerospace and astronomy news, museum features, NASA technology spinoffs, and educational resources; along with explanations of the mathematics and physics of all things to do with space travel. Besides highlighting NASA and U.S. commercial space enterprises, we also feature endeavors of other national space agencies – ESA, JAXA, Roscomos, CNSA, and ISRO – as well as international space corporations.
As well as being available worldwide to freely read online, or to download as a PDF, we also hope to eventually make the magazine available as a multimedia-enhanced app for tablets and smartphones.
RocketSTEM Media Foundation was established in 2012. Based out of Pensacola, Florida, the organization has volunteers located throughout the United States, England, and several other countries.
RocketSTEM’s goals are to:
- Inspire the world’s next generation of scientists, engineers, and astronauts.
- Keep educators informed on space developments and help them better work STEM lessons into their classrooms.
- Raise awareness of the benefits of space exploration among all citizens of planet Earth.
- Encourage international cooperation in space exploration.
While focused on the development of the magazine at the present time, future plans include the creation of a set of lesson plans to be used by teachers and homeschooling parents, as well as the hosting of a series of STEM Fairs across the United States on an annual basis. RocketSTEM also hopes to one day endow a scholarship fund for college students pursuing aerospace studies, and for younger students wishing to attend Space Camp in Alabama or the National Flight Academy in Florida.
RocketSTEM Media Foundation is registered with the I.R.S. as a tax-exempt charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the tax code. The Board of Directors of the non-profit educational organization is comprised of Michael C. Clark, Nicole Solomon, Anthony Fitch, and Timothy Brown as of August 2020.